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Die Item (d20)
1 1 Ring: djinni summoning
2 1 Ring: human influence
3 1 Ring: spell turning
4 1 Rod: smiting
5 1 Rod: terror
6 1 Wand: lightning or fire
7 1 Wand: illusion
8 1 Staff: thunder & lightning
9 1 amulet of life protection
10 1 cube of force
11 1 deck of illusions
12 1 eyes of charming
13 1 helm of teleportation
14 1 horn of blasting
15 1 robe of blending
16 1 stone of good luck
17 1 set: plate mail +3, shield +4
18 1 Sword: +4(or +3 with abilities*)
19 1 Arrow: of slaying (character class)
20 1 Net: of entrapment

* Intelligence, if any, will not exceed 16.

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