| Red
| Blue
| Limbo
| Limbo |
| Uncommon
| Rare
| Group
| Group
Activity Cycle:
| Any
| Any
| Carnivore
| Carnivore
| Low(5-7)
| Low (5-7)
| K,Q
| K,Q
| Chaotic neutral
| Chaotic neutral
No. Appearing:
| 3-18
| 2-12
Armor Class:
| 4
| 2
| 6
| 6
Hit Dice:
| 7+3
| 8+4
| 13
| 11
No. of Attacks:
| 3
| 5
| 1-4/1-4/2-16
| 2-12/2-12/
| 2-12/2-16
| 2-12
Special Attacks:
| Stun, egg-pellet
| Disease
Special Defenses:
| See below
| + 1 or better weapons to hit
Magic Resistance:
| 30%
| 40%
| L (8' tall)
| L (10' tall)
| Average (8-10)
| Steady(11-12)
XP Value:
| 7,500
| 16,500
The slaadi are great frog-like beings, who dwell on the outer plane of Limbo.
Their form is that of a large bipedal frog, though some of the more powerful
slaadi have
polymorph self or shape change abilities and sometimes appear as men. In frog form their
heads are huge and their claws are extremely sharp. There are powerful symbols
embedded into their foreheads signifying rank. They speak their own language and,
occasionally, some additional evil languages. Telepathy allows them to
understand and converse with all things.
Red Slaad
Slaadi are vicious combatants and quick to attack all other creatures. They
can be ruthless when encountered in numbers, often surrounding smaller groups of
beings and bullying and tormenting them before finally slaying the lot.
Combat: Red slaadi attack with two claws for 1-4 points of damage per hit and bite for
2-16 points. They are not terribly intelligent, so they choose predictable,
uninspired tactics.
Red slaadi have a special gland under the skin of each claw. When one hits
with a claw attack, there is a 25 % chance that an egg pellet is planted in its
opponent's body. The egg pellet begins to move through the victim's body, often
without the victim even knowing he has been infected until it reaches the chest
cavity. There it gestates for three months, forming a baby red slaad that will
eats it way out of the victim's body, killing him. The victim falls very ill 24
hours before the baby slaad eats its way out. An egg pellet can only be
detected by a
detect evil spell, and destroyed by a
remove curse or similar spell.
Red slaadi regenerate at a rate of 3 hit points per melee round. They can
attempt to
gate in 1-2 additional red slaadi twice per day with a 35% chance of success. Once
per day, red slaadi may stun by emitting a loud croak that affects all
opponents within 20 feet of the slaad. Victims must make a saving throw vs.
petrification or be disabled for two rounds.
Blue Slaad
Blue slaad are ruthless warriors that specialize in mass combat.
Combat: Blue slaadi have two razor-sharp bone rakes sticking out from the back of each
hand. These potent weapons inflict 2-12 points of damage on a successful hit.
They have perfected their fighting style with these rakes, which give them two
attacks per hand. Their bite does 2-16 points of damage per hit and has a 10%
chance of infecting the slaad's opponent with a rotting disease. Blue slaadi
have the following magical abilities:
hold person, one person only,
passwall, and
They may attempt to
gate in either 1-4 red slaadi or 1-2 blue slaadi, four times per day, with a 40%
chance of success.
Green Slaad
Very rarely seen, they are the highest form of lesser slaadi. They attack with
claws for 3 to 8 (1d6+2) points of damage.
Gray Slaad
Known as
executioners, and very rare, gray slaadi are great slaadi. They use a claw/claw/bite
routine for 4 to 10 points of damage from their wicked claws, and 2 to 16 points of
damage from the vicious bite they inflict upon opponents.
Death Slaad
The greatest of all the slaadi, and the absolute masters of their race. Their
claws strike for 3 to 18 points of damage and their bite inflicts 2 to 20
points of damage.
Habitat/Society: Slaadi have a hierarchial society. Their caste system is rigid because the
strong will simply destroy the weak for disobedience; lesser slaadi are forced to
be their servants. Reds and blues aid each other only in extreme emergencies.
Ecology: Although slaadi are inhabitants of the outer planes, and are frequently found
travelling the lower planes, they have little or nothing to do with the Blood
War between the baatezu and the tanar'ri.