| Ochre Jelly
| Gray Ooze
| Crystal Ooze
| Subterranean
| Subterranean
| Dimly lit water
| Uncommon
| Rare
| Rare
| Solitary
| Solitary
| Solitary
Activity Cycle:
| Any
| Any
| Any
| Omnivore
| Omnivore
| Omnivore
| Non- (0)
| Animal (1)
| Animal (1)
| Nil
| Nil
| Nil
| Neutral
| Neutral
| Neutral
No. Appearing:
| 1-3
| 1-3
| 1-2
Armor Class:
| 8
| 8
| 8
| 3
| 1
| 1, Sw 3
Hit Dice:
| 6
| 3+3
| 4
| 15
| 17
| 17
No. of Attacks:
| 1
| 1
| 1
| 3-12
| 2-16
| 4-16
Special Attacks:
| Nil
| Corrodes metal
| Poison
Special Defenses:
| See below
| See below
| See below
Magic Resistance:
| Nil
| Nil
| Nil
| M (4-7')
| M to L (4-12')
| M to L (4-12')
| Average (10)
| Average (10)
| Average (10)
XP Value:
| 270
| 270
| 420
| Gelatinous Cube
| Green Slime
| Subterranean
| Subterranean
| Uncommon
| Rare
| Solitary
| Colony
Activity Cycle:
| Any
| Any
| Omnivore
| Omnivore
| Non- (0)
| Non- (0)
| Nil (incidental)
| Nil
| Neutral
| Neutral
No. Appearing:
| 1
| 1- 6
Armor Class:
| 8
| 9
| 6
| 0
Hit Dice:
| 4
| 2
| 17
| 19
No. of Attacks:
| 1
| 0
| 2- 8
| Nil
Special Attacks:
| Paralyzation, surprise
| See below
Special Defenses:
| See below
| See below
Magic Resistance:
| Nil
| Nil
| L (10' cube)
| S (2-4')
| Average (10)
| Average (10)
XP Value:
| 650
| 65
Psionic Summary (Gray Ooze only)
| Level
| Dis/Sci
| Attack/
| Power
| PSPs
| Dev
| Defense
| Score
| 1
| 2/1/1
| Psc/M-
| 13
| 1d100+20
The oozes, slimes and jellies of the underworld are hideous, amorphous
creatures that are the bane of all that lives, dissolving the weapons, armor, and
flesh of their victims.
Ochre Jelly
This monster resembles a giant amoeba, seeping through darkened corridors,
through cracks and under doors, searching for flesh or cellulose to devour. Their
form allows them to travel on walls and ceilings and drop on unsuspecting prey.
Combat: The ochre jelly attacks by attempting to envelop its prey. Its secretions
dissolve flesh, inflicting 3-12 (d10+2) points of damage per round of exposure.
While a
lightning bolt will divide the creature into one or more smaller jellies, each doing
one-half normal damage, fire- and cold-based attacks have normal effects.
Habitat/Society: An asexual creature, the ochre jelly is a solitary beast that is occasionally
found with its own divided offspring. It lives only to eat and reproduce.
Ecology: Voraciously dissolving all types of carrion and trash, this monster is
sometimes tolerated in inhabited subterranean areas for its janitorial services, but
this activity is difficult to organize and is usually not appreciated by the
inhabitants because of its danger.
Gray Ooze
A slimy horror that looks like wet stone or a sedimentary rock formation, the
gray ooze is rarely thicker than six or eight inches, but sometimes grows to a
length of 12 feet. It cannot climb walls or ceilings, so it slides, drips, and
oozes along cavern floors.
Combat: The gray ooze strikes like a snake, and can corrode metal at an alarming rate
(chain mail in one round, plate mail in two, and magical armor in one round per
each plus to Armor Class). Spells have no effect on this monster, nor do fire-
or cold-based attacks. Lightning and blows from weapons cause full damage.
Note that weapons striking a gray ooze may corrode and break.
Habitat/Society: After a large meal, a gray ooze reproduces by "budding:" growing a small pod
that is left behind in a corridor or cavern. This pod takes two to three days to
mature and then the little gray ooze absorbs its leathery shell and begins
slithering about, searching for a meal. Sometimes more than one of these monsters
are found together, but this is just a random event because they are not
Ecology: The gray ooze is a dungeon scavenger. It is rumored that metalworkers of
extraordinary skill keep very small oozes in stone jars to etch and score their
metal work, but this is a delicate and dangerous practice.
Crystal Ooze
This creature is a variety of gray ooze which has adapted to living in water.
It is 75% invisible when immersed in its natural element. It is translucent,
mostly glassy clear, with an occasional milky white swirl in its substance.
Combat: Crystal ooze strikes like a snake, then attempts to flow over a victim and
exude its paralyzing poison. Unlike its cousin, the gray ooze, this creature does
not corrode metal, but its poisons attack wood, cloth, and flesh. Unless a
victim successfully saves vs. poison, he becomes paralyzed and will be consumed by
the crystal ooze in a short time. When prey is reduced to -20 hit points, it is
totally consumed. Crystal ooze cannot be harmed by acid, cold, heat, or fire
attacks, but electricity and
magic missiles inflict full damage. Blows from weapons inflict only 1 point of damage per
hit. A wooden weapon must save vs. acid or it will dissolve and break.
Habitat/Society: Crystal oozes live in any dim or dark body of water, though they can exist out
of water for several hours. They reproduce by budding, like the gray ooze, but
the crystal pods usually take seven to 10 days to hatch. Crystal oozes will
eat their offspring, but occasionally, if the body of water is large enough and
food is not scarce, a few of them might be found living in the same water.
Ecology: Crystal oozes are scavengers that leave metal and stone objects in their wake,
so incidental treasure can often be found around and in their lairs.
Gelatinous Cube
So nearly transparent that they are difficult to see, these cubes travel down
dungeon corridors, absorbing carrion and trash along the way. Their sides
glisten, tending to leave a slimy trail, but gelatinous cubes cannot climb walls or
cling to ceilings. Very large cubes grow tall to garner mosses and the like
from ceilings.
Combat: A gelatinous cube attacks by touching its victim with its anesthetizing slime.
A victim who fails to save vs. paralyzation is paralyzed (anesthetized) for
5-20 (5d4) rounds. The cube then surrounds its prey and secretes digestive fluids
to absorb the food. All damage is caused by these digestive acids. Because
gelatinous cubes are difficult to see, others are -3 on their surprise roll.
Electricity, fear, holds, paralyzation,
polymorph, and sleep-based attacks have no effect on this monster, but fire and blows
from weapons have normal effects. If a cube fails its saving throw against a
cold-based attack, the cube will be slowed 50% and inflicts only 1-4 points of
Habitat/Society: Possessing no intelligence, gelatinous cubes live only for eating. They prefer
well- traveled dungeons where there is always food to scavenge. These
creatures reproduce by budding, leaving clear, rubbery cubes in dark corners or on
heaps of trash. Young are not protected and are sometimes reabsorbed by the parent.
Treasure is sometimes swept up by a gelatinous cube as the creature travels
along a cavern floor; any metals, gems, or jewelry are carried in the monster's
body until they can be ejected as indigestible. Items found inside a cube
include treasure types J, K, L, M, N, Q, as well as an occasional potion, dagger, or
similar object.
Ecology: The gelatinous cube is sometimes encouraged to stay in a certain area for its
scavenging abilities, and is preferred over other jellies and oozes since its
square shape does not allow it to slither under doors and into areas in which it
is not desired.
Green Slime
A hideous growth, green slime is bright green, sticky, and wet. It grows in
dark subterranean places on walls, ceilings and floors.
Combat: This slime cannot attack but is sensitive to vibrations and often drops from
the ceiling onto a passing victim. Green slime attaches itself to living flesh
and in 1-4 melee rounds turns the creature into green slime (no resurrection
possible). Green slime eats through one inch of wood in an hour, but can dissolve
metal quickly, going through plate armor in three melee rounds. The horrid
growth can be scraped off quickly, cut away, frozen, or burned. A cure disease spell kills green slime, but other attacks, including weapons and spells,
have no effect.
Habitat/Society: Green slime hates light and feeds on animal, vegetable, and metallic
substances in dark caverns. Since it cannot move, this slime grows only when food comes
to it. Sunlight dries it out and eventually kills it. Occasional huge slimes or
colonies of dozens have been reported.
Ecology: Green slime is an infestation that all creatures avoid; it is burned out of
caverns or mines if found. Once it has infected an area, it has a tendency to
grow back, even after being frozen or burned away, because dormant spores can
germinate years later.