| Imp
| Quasit
| Any
| Any
| Very rare
| Very rare
| Solitary
| Solitary
Activity Cycle:
| Any
| Any
| Carnivore
| Carnivore
| Average
| Low
| O
| Qx3
| Lawful evil
| Chaotic evil
No. Appearing:
| 1
| 1
Armor Class:
| 2
| 2
| 6, Fl 18 (A)
| 15
Hit Dice:
| 2+2
| 3
| 19
| 17
No. of Attacks:
| 1
| 3
| 1-4
| 1-2/1-2/1-4
Special Attacks:
| See below
| See below
Special Defenses:
| See below
| See below
Magic Resistance:
| 25%
| 25%
| T (2' tall)
| T (2' tall)
| Average (8-10)
| Average (8-10)
XP Value:
| 1,400
| 2,000
Imps are diminutive creatures of an evil nature who roam the world and act as
familiars for lawful evil wizards and priests.
The average imp is a 2' humanoid with leathery, bat-like wings, a barbed tail,
and sharp, twisted horns. Its skin is a dark red and its horns and jagged
teeth are a gleaming white.
The imp can
polymorph itself into two other animal forms. The most commonly encountered alternate
forms are those of a large spider, raven, giant rat, or goat. In such forms the
imp is physically identical to a normal animal.
Combat: In its natural form, the imp attacks with the wicked stinger on its tail. In
addition to inflicting 1-4 points of damage, this stinger injects a powerful
poison which is so deadly that those who fail their save versus poison are
instantly slain by it. When it is
polymorphed, the imp attacks with the natural weaponry of its adopted form, though the
goat and raven forms lack damaging attacks.
The imp can use its special magical abilities no matter what its form. All
imps are able to
detect good, detect magic, or become
invisible at will. Once per day they can use a
Imps are immune to attacks based on cold, fire, or electricity and resist all
other spell attacks as if they were 7 Hit Die creatures. They can be harmed
only by silver or magical weapons and are able to regenerate one hit point per
melee round.
Habitat/Society:Imps are beings of a very evil nature who originate on the darkest of evil
planes. Their main purpose on the Prime Material plane is to spread evil by
assisting lawful evil wizards and priests. When such a person is judged worthy of an
imp's service, the imp comes in answer to a
find familiar spell.
Once they have contacted their new "master", imps begin at once to take
control of his actions. Although imps maintain the illusion that the summoner is in
charge, the actual relationship is closer to that of a workman (the imp) and his
tools (the master).
Although an imp's body can be destroyed on the Prime Material plane, it is not
so easily slain. When its physical form is lost, its corrupt spirit instantly
returns to its home plane where it is reformed and, after a time, returned to
our world to resume its work.
While they are technically in the service of their master, imps retain a basic
independence and ambition to become more powerful someday. They may acquire
treasure from those they slay, and will often pilfer valuables encountered during
their travels.
The imp confers some of its powers upon its master. A telepathic link connects
the two whenever they are within one mile of each other. This enables the
master to receive all of the imp's sensory impressions, including its infravision.
The master also gains the imp's inherent 25% magical resistance and is able to
regenerate just as the imp does. If the imp is within telepathic range, the
master acts as if he were one level higher than he actually is. Conversely, if the
imp is more than a mile away, the master acts as if he were one level of
ability below his actual rank. If the imp is killed, the master instantly drops by
four levels, though these can be regained in the usual manner.
Ecology: Imps are the errand boys of the powerful evil beings who command the darkest
planes. They often act as emissaries and agents, but their primary task is to
enhance the spread of evil in our world.
Quasits are chaotic evil counterparts to imps. The chaotic evil priests and
wizards which quasits "serve" gain the same benefits and disadvantages that an
imp's master does. Like imps, each quasit can assume two other forms. Those most
commonly chosen by quasits are bats, giant centipedes, frogs, or wolves. They
can use their magic in any of their forms.
The quasit attacks with its clawed hands (doing 1-2 points each) and its
deadly bite (doing 1-4 points). The quasit's claws are coated in a toxin which
causes anyone struck by them to save versus poison or lose one point of dexterity
for 2-12 (2d6) rounds. The effects of multiple wounds are cumulative.
Quasits can turn
invisible, detect good, or
detect magic at will. They regenerate 1 hit point per round and can unleash a blast of
fear with a 30 foot range radius once per day. Once each week
the quasit can
commune with the lower planes (asking up to 6
Quasits can only be harmed by cold iron or magical weapons. They are able to
resist magic 25% of the time, save as if they were 7 Hit Die monsters and are
immune to cold, fire, and lightning.