| Hairfoot
| Tallfellow
| Stout
| Pastoral
| Hills, forests
| Hills, mountains
| Uncommon
| Rare
| Rare
| Community
| Community
| Community
Activity Cycle:
| Day
| Day
| Day
| Omnivore
| Omnivore
| Omnivore
| Very (11-12)
| Very (11-12)
| Very (11-12)
| K (B)
| K (B)
| K (B)
| Lawful good
| Lawful good
| Lawful good
No. Appearing:
| 2-12 (2d6)
| 2-12 (2d6)
| 2-12 (2d6)
Armor Class:
| 7 (10)
| 6 (10)
| 6 (10)
| 6 (9)
| 6 (9)
| 6 (9)
Hit Dice:
| 1-6 hit points
| 1-6 hit points
| 1-6 hit points
| 20
| 20
| 20
No. of Attacks:
| 1
| 1
| 1
| 1-6 (weapon)
| 1-6 (weapon)
| 1- 6 (weapon)
Special Attacks:
| +3 with bows
| +3 with bows
| +3 with bows
| and slings
| and slings
| and slings
Special Defenses:
| See below
| See below
| See below
Magic Resistance:
| Nil
| Nil
| Nil
| S (3)
| S (4')
| S (3)
| Steady (11-12)
| Steady (11-12)
| Steady (11-12)
XP Value:
| 35
| 35
| 35
Halflings are a hard-working race of peaceful citizens. Their communities are
similar to those of humans, although they usually contain many burrow homes in
addition to surface cottages.
Halflings average 3 feet in height, have ruddy complexions, with sandy to dark
brown hair, and blue or hazel eyes. Their dress is often colorful but
serviceable, and they like to wear caps or tunics. In addition to their own language,
many halflings also speak the common tongue, gnome, goblin, and orcish.
Combat: Halflings will fight with great ferocity in defense of good or their homes.
They are very skilled with both the sling and the bow (receiving a +3 bonus on
all attack rolls) and use these weapons to great advantage in battle. Their
tactics often involve feints to draw their attackers into the open where they can be
subjected to a volley of fire from cover.
When equipped for battle, halflings wear padded or leather armor. A halfling
force is usually armed with short swords and hand axes. In addition, two-thirds
of the halflings will be carrying either a sling or short bow.
All halflings above normal level will have Armor Class 6, while those of 3rd
or 4th level wear chain mail over their leather (AC 4). Higher level halflings
have a 10 percent chance per level of having a magic weapon or armor.
As all halflings are naturally resistant to magic and poisons -- they save at
4 levels above their actual level. In addition, halflings are exceedingly
clever at quiet movement and hiding. In combat, their opponents receive a -5 on
their surprise roll. In natural terrain halflings are considered
invisible when they are hiding in vegetation.
Habitat/Society: Halfling villages will generally have between 30 and 300 (30d10) individuals
living in them. For every 30 halflings in a particular community there will be
two 2nd-level fighters and a 3rd-level priest. If more than 90 halflings are
encountered there will be an additional leader of 3rd-level fighting ability. If
more than 150 are encountered there will also be the following additional
halfling warriors in the group: one 9th-level fighter, two 4th-level fighters and
three 3rd-level fighters. Further, a community of 150 halflings will have a
5th-level priest.
Cheerful and outgoing, halflings, take great pleasure in simple crafts and
nature. Their fingers, though short, are very dexterous allowing them to create
objects of great beauty. Halflings shun water and extremes in temperature,
preferring to settle in temperate pastoral countrysides. They get along well with
humans and receive a +2 bonus to all their Reaction Rolls involving human NPCs.
Ecology: Halflings hunt occasionally, but prefer breads, vegetables and fruits, with an
occasional pheasant on the side. They have a life expectancy of 100 years on
the average.
A taller (4'+) and slimmer halfling with fair skin and hair, tallfellows are
somewhat rare among the halfling folk. Tallfellows generally speak the language
of elves in addition to those listed previously and greatly enjoy their
company. In combat, tallfellows often ride ponies and carry spears or small lances.
Tallfellows of strength 17 or more can rise to 6th level fighting ability. They
live 180 years on average. Like elves, a tallfellow can recognize a secret door
on a roll of 1 on a 1d6. All tallfellows receive a +2 bonus to surprise rolls
when in forest or wooded terrain.
These halflings are shorter and stockier than the more common hairfoots.
Stouts take great pleasure in gems and fine masonry, often working as jewelers or
stone cutters. They rarely mix with humans and elves, but enjoy the company of
dwarves and often speak their language fluently. Like dwarves, stouts have
infravision (60'), a 75% chance to detect sloping passageways, and a 50% chance of
determining direction when underground. Stouts with a strength score of 17 or
better can work their way up to the 9th-level of fighting ability. Their ties with
the dwarven folk have spilled over into their combat tactics, with many stouts
employing hammers and morningstars in combat. Stouts also have no fear of
water and, in fact, many are excellent swimmers. Stouts can reach an age of 140 or
more years.