| Djinni
| Dao
| Efreeti
| Marid
| Jann
| Air
| Earth
| Fire
| Water
| Any land
| Very rare
| Rare
| Very rare
| Very rare
| Very rare
| Caliphate
| Khanate
| Sultanate
| Padishate
| Amirate
Activity Cycle:
| Day
| Day
| Day
| Day
| Day
| Omnivore
| Omnivore
| Omnivore
| Omnivore
| Omnivore
| Average to
| Low to
| Very (11-
| High to
| Very to
| highly (8-
| very (5-12)
| 12)
| genius (13-
| exceptional
| Nil
| Nil
| Nil
| Nil
| Nil
| Chaotic
| Neutral evil
| Neutral
| Chaotic
| Neutral
| good
| (lawful evil)
| neutral
| (good)
No. Appearing:
| 1
| 1
| 1
| 1
| 1-2
Armor Class:
| 4
| 3
| 2
| 0
| 2 (5)
| 9, Fl 24 (A)
| 9, Fl 15
| 9, Fl 24 (B)
| 9, Fl 15
| 12, Fl 30
| (B), Br 6
| (B), Sw 24
| (A)
Hit Dice:
| 7+3
| 8+3
| 10
| 13
| 6+2
| 13
| 11
| 11
| 7
| 15
No. of Attacks:
| 1
| 1
| 1
| 1
| 1
| 2-16 (2d8)
| 3-18 (3d6)
| 3-24 (3d8)
| 4-32 (4d8)
| 1-8 +
| Strength
| bonus or
| by weapon
| + Strength
Special Attacks:
| See below
| See below
| See below
| See below
| See below
Special Defenses:
| See below
| See below
| See below
| See below
| See below
Magic Resistance:
| Nil
| Nil
| Nil
| 25%
| 20%
| L (10 ½'
| L (8'-11'
| L (12' tall)
| H (18' tall)
| M (6'-7'
| tall)
| tall)
| tall)
| Elite (13-14)
| Champion
| Champion
| Champion
| Champion
| (15-16)
| (15-16)
| (16)
| (15)
XP Value:
| 5,000
| 5,000
| 8,000
| 16,000
| 3,000
| Noble: 11,000
| (+1,000
per added
Hit Die)
Genies come from the elemental planes. There, among their own kind, they are
have their own societies. Genies are sometimes encountered on the Prime Material
plane and are often summoned specifically to perform some service for a
powerful wizard or priest. All genies can travel to any of the elemental planes, as
well as the Prime Material and Astral planes. Genies speak their own tongue and
that of any intelligent beings they meet through a limited form of telepathy.
The djinn are genies from the elemental plane of Air. It should be noted that
"djinn" is the plural form of their name, while "djinni" is the singular.
Combat: The djinn's magical nature enables them to do any of the following once per
create nutritious food for 2d6 persons and
create water or
create wine for 2d6 persons;
create soft goods (up to 16 cubic feet) or
create wooden items (up to 9 cubic feet) of a permanent nature;
create metal, up to 100 pounds weight with a short life span (the harder the metal the less
time it lasts; gold has about a 24 hour existence while djinni steel lasts
only one hour);
create illusion as a 20th-level wizard with both visible and audible components, which last
without concentration until touched or magically dispelled; use
invisibility, gaseous form, or
wind walk.
Once per day, the genie can create a whirlwind, which the it can ride or even
direct at will from a distance. The whirlwind is a cone-shaped spiral,
measuring up to 10 feet across at its base, 40 feet across at the top, and up to 70
feet in height (the djinni chooses the dimensions). Its maximum speed is 18, with
maneuverability class A. The whirlwind's base must touch water or a solid
surface, or it will dissolve. It takes a full turn for the whirlwind to form or
dissolve. During that time, the whirlwind inflicts no damage and has no other
effect. The whirlwind lasts as long as the djinni concentrates on it, moving at the
creature's whim.
If the whirlwind strikes a non-aerial creature with fewer than 2 Hit Dice, the
creature must make a saving throw vs. breath weapon for each round of contact
with the whirlwind, or be swept off its feet, battered, and killed. Hardier
beings, as well as aerial or airborne creatures, take 2d6 points of damage per
round of contact with the whirlwind.
A djinni can ride its whirlwind and even take along passengers, who (like the
djinni) suffer no damage from the buffeting winds. The whirlwind can carry the
genie and up to six man-sized or three genie-sized companions.
Airborne creatures or attacks receive a -1 penalty to attack and damage rolls
against a djinni, who also receives a +4 bonus to saving throws against gas
attacks and air-based spells.
Djinn are nearly impossible to capture by physical means; a djinni who is
overmatched in combat usually takes to flight and uses its whirlwind to buffet
those who follow. Genies are openly contemptuous of those life forms that need
wings or artificial means to fly and use
illusion and
invisibility against such enemies. Thus, the capture and enslavement of djinn is better
resolved by the DM on a case-by-case basis. It is worth noting, however, that a
good master will typically encourage a djinni to additional effort and higher
performance, while a demanding and cruel master encourages the opposite.
Djinn are able to carry up to 600 pounds, on foot or flying, without tiring.
They can carry double that for a short time: three turns if on foot, or one turn
if flying. For each 100 pounds below the maximum, add one turn to the time a
djinni may walk or fly before tiring. A fatigued djinni must rest for an hour
before performing any additional strenuous activity.
Habitat/Society: The djinn's native land is the elemental plane of Air, where they live on
floating islands of earth and rock, anywhere from 1,000 yards to several miles
across. They are crammed with buildings, courtyards, gardens, fountains, and
sculptures made of elemental flames. In a typical djinn landhold there are 3dl0 djinn
of various ages and powers, as well as 1d10 jann and 1d10 elemental creatures
of low intelligence. All are ruled by the local sheik, a djinn of maximum hit
The social structure of Djinn society is based on rule by a caliph, served by
various nobles and officials (viziers, beys, emirs, sheiks, sheriffs, and
maliks). A caliph rules all the djinn estates within two days' travel, and is
advised by six viziers who help maintain the balance of the landholdings.
If a landhold is attacked by a large force, a messenger (usually the youngest
djinni) is sent to the next landhold, which sends aid and dispatches two more
messengers to warn the next landholds; in this fashion the entire nation is
Noble Djinn
Some djinn (1%) are "noble" and are able to grant three
wishes to their masters. Noble djinn perform no other services and, upon granting
the third
wish are freed of their servitude. Noble djinn are as strong as efreet, with 10
Hit Dice. They strike for 3d8 points of damage, and the whirlwinds they create
cause 3d6 hit points of damage.
A dao is a genie from the elemental plane of Earth. While they are generally
found on that plane (though even there they are uncommon), the dao love to come
to the Prime Material plane to work evil. Dao speak all of the languages of the
genies, as well as Common and the tongue of earth elementals.
Combat: The dao's magical abilities enable them to use any of the following magical
powers, one at a time, once each per day:
change self, detect good, detect magic, gaseous form, invisibility,
misdirection, passwall, spectral force, and
wall of stone. They can also fulfill another's
limited wish (in a perverse way) once each day. Dao can use
rock to mud three times per day and
dig six times per day. Dao perform all magic as 18th-level spellcasters.
A dao can carry up to 500 pounds without tiring. Double weight will cause
tiring in three turns, but for every 100 pounds of weight under 1,000, the dao may
add one turn to the duration of its carrying ability. After tiring, a dao must
rest for one hour. Dao can move through earth (not worked stone) at a burrowing
speed of 6. They cannot take living beings with them, but can safely carry
inanimate objects.
Dao are not harmed by earth-related spells, but holy water has twice its
normal effect upon these monsters.
Habitat/Society: The dao dwell in the Great Dismal Delve on their own plane and in deep caves,
caverns, or cysts on the Prime Material plane. Dao settle pockets of elemental
matter on their own plane, bending those pockets to their will and desire. A
dao mazework contains 4d10 dao, as well as 8d10 elemental and non-elemental
slaves. Each mazework is ruled by an ataman or hetman who is advised by a seneschal.
The loyalty of a mazework's ataman to the Great Dismal Delve is always
questionable, but the seneschals are chosen by the khan of the dao, and their loyalty
is to him alone.
The khan of the dao lives at the center of the great mazework called the Great
Dismal Delve. The land within the delve is said to be larger than most Prime
Material continents. The Great Dismal Delve is linked to all manner of elemental
pockets, so the khan can call forth whatever powers he needs. The population
of dao in the delve is unknown, as is the number of slaves that constantly work
the tunnels and clear away damage caused by the quakes which frequently shake
Dao dislike servitude as much as efreet and are even more prone to malice and
revenge than their fiery counterparts.
Ecology: The dao manage a thriving business of trade, driven by a desire for more power
and access to precious gems. High on their list of hatreds are most other
genies (except efreet, with whom they trade worked metals for minerals). They also
have little use for other elemental creatures; the dao value these only if they
can exploit them in some fashion.
The efreet (singular: efreeti) are genies from the elemental plane of Fire.
They are enemies of the djinn and attack them whenever they are encountered. A
properly summoned or captured efreeti can be forced to serve for a maximum of
1,001 days, or it can be made to fulfill three
wishes. Efreet are not willing servants and seek to pervert the intent of their
masters by adhering to the letter of their commands.
The efreet are said to be made of basalt, bronze, and solid flames. They are
massive, solid creatures.
Combat: An efreeti is able to do the following once per day: grant up to three
wishes; use
invisibility, gaseous form, detect magic, enlarge, polymorph self, and
wall of fire; create an
illusion with both visual and audio components which will last without concentration
until magically dispelled or touched. An efreeti can also produce flame or use
pyrotechnics at will. Efreet are immune to normal fire-based attacks, and even an attack
with magical fire suffers a -1 penalty on all attack and damage rolls.
Efreet can carry up to 750 pounds on foot or flying, without tiring. They can
also carry double weight for a limited time: three turns on foot or one turn
aloft. For each 150 pounds of weight under 1500, add one turn to either walking
or flying time permitted. After tiring, the efreeti must rest for one hour.
Habitat/Society: Efreet are infamous for their hatred of servitude, desire for revenge, cruel
nature, and ability to beguile and mislead. The efreet's primary home is their
great citadel, the fabled City of Brass, but there are many other efreet
outposts throughout the plane of Fire.
An efreet outpost is a haven for 4dl0 efreet and is run as a military station
to watch or harass others in the plane. These outposts are run by a malik or
vali of maximum normal hit points. There is a 10% chance that the outpost is also
providing a temporary home for 1d4 jann or 1d4 dao (the only other genies
efreet tolerate). Outpost forces are usually directed against incursions from the
elemental plane of Air, but they can be directed against any travelers deemed
suitable for threats, robbery, and abuse.
Efreet are neutral, but tend toward organized evil. They are ruled by a grand
sultan who makes his home in the City of Brass. He is advised by a variety of
beys, amirs, and maliks concerning actions within the plane, and by six great
pashas who deal with efreet business on the Prime Material plane.
The City of Brass is a huge citadel that is home to the majority of efreet. It
hovers in the hot regions of the plane and is often bordered by seas of magma
and lakes of glowing lava. The city sits upon a hemisphere of golden, glowing
brass some 40 miles across. From the upper towers rise the minarets of the great
bastion of the Sultan's Palace. Vast riches are said to be in the palace of
the sultan. The city has an efreet population that far outnumbers the great
cities of the Prime Material plane. The sultan wields the might of a Greater Power,
while many of his advisors are akin to Lesser Powers and Demi-Powers.
Ecology: Fire elementals tend to avoid the efreet, whom they feel are oppressive and
opportunistic. Djinn hate them, and there have been numerous djinn-efreet
clashes. Efreet view most other creatures either as enemies or servants, a view that
does not endear them to other genies.
The marids are said to be born of the ocean, having currents for muscles and
pearls for teeth. These genies from the elemental plane of Water are the most
powerful of all genies. They are also the most individualistic and chaotic of the
elemental races, and only rarely deign to serve others.
On their own plane they are rare; marids travel so seldom to the Prime
Material plane that many consider marids to be creatures of legend only.
Combat: Marids perform as 26th-level spellcasters, and can use any of the following
magical powers, one at a time, twice each per day:
detect evil, detect good, detect invisibility, detect magic, invisibility,
liquid form (similar to
gaseous form),
polymorph self, and
purify water. Marids can use any of the following up to seven times per day:
gaseous form, lower water, part water, wall of fog, or
water breathing (used on others, lasting up to one full day). Once per year a marid can use
alter reality.
Marids can always
create water, which they may direct in a powerful jet up to 60 yards long. Victims struck
by the jet take 1d6 points of damage and must make a successful saving throw vs.
breath weapon or be blinded for 1d6 rounds. Marids also have the innate
ability to
water walk (as the ring).
A marid can carry 1,000 pounds. Double weight causes tiring in three turns.
For every 200 pounds under 2,000, add one turn to the time the marid can carry
before tiring. A tired marid must rest for one hour.
Marids swim, breathe water, are at home at any depth, and have infravision.
They are not harmed by water-based spells. Cold-based spells grant them a +2
bonus to saving throws and -2 to each die of damage. Fire inflicts +1 per die of
damage, with saving throws at a -1 penalty. Steam does not harm them.
Habitat/Society: Marids live in a loose empire ruled by a padisha. Each marid lays some claim
to royalty; they are all shahs, atabegs, beglerbegs, or mufti at the very least.
There have often been several simultaneous "single true heirs" to the
padisha's throne through the eons.
A marid household numbers 2d10 and is located around loosely grouped elemental
pockets containing the necessities for marid life. Larger groups of marids
gather for hunts and tournaments, where individual effort is heavily emphasized.
Marids are champion tale-tellers, although most of their tales emphasize their
own prowess, and belittle others. When communicating with a marid, one must
attempt to keep the conversation going without continual digression for one tale
or another, while not offending the marid. Marids consider it a capital offense
for a lesser being to offend a marid.
Marids are both fiercely independent and extremely egoistical. They are not
easily forced to perform actions; even if convinced through flattery and bribery
to obey, they often stray from their intended course to seek some other
adventure that promises greater glory, or to instruct lesser creatures on the glories
of the marids. Most mages skilled in summoning and conjuration consider marids
to be more trouble than they are worth, which accounts for the great lack of
items of marid control (as opposed to those affecting efreet and djinn).
Marids can travel the Ethereal plane, in addition to those planes to which all
genies can travel.
Ecology: Marids tolerate their genie relatives, putting up with jann and djinn like
poor cousins, while they have an aversion to efreet and dao. Their attitude toward
the rest of the world is similar; most creatures from other planes are
considered lesser beings, not fit to be bothered with unless one lands in the feast
hall at an inopportune time.
The jann are the weakest of the elemental humanoids known collectively as
genies. Jann are formed out of all four elements and must therefore spend most of
their time on the Prime Material plane. In addition to speaking Common and all
the languages of genies, jann can speak with animals.
Combat: Jann often wear chain mail armor (60% chance), giving them an effective AC of
2. They typically use great scimitars which inflict 2d8 damage to small and
medium creatures, and 4d4 points of damage to larger opponents. They also use
composite long bows. Male jann have exceptional Strength scores; roll percentile
dice for their Strengths. For female jann, roll percentile dice and subtract 50;
anything above 0 indicates percentage Strength equal to that number, while
anything below indicates 18 Strength.
Jann can use one the following magical powers each round:
enlarge or
reduce, twice each per day;
invisibility three times per day;
create food and water once per day as a 7th-level priest; and
etherealness (as the armor) once per day for a maximum of one hour. Jann perform at
12th-level ability, except as noted.
Habitat/Society: Jann favor forlorn deserts and hidden oases, where they have both privacy and
safety. Jann society is very open, and males and females are regarded as
equals. A tribe is made up of ld20+10 individuals and is ruled by a sheik and one or
two viziers. Exceptionally powerful sheiks are given the title of amir, and in
times of need they gather and command large forces of jann (and sometimes
allied humans).
Many jann tribes are nomadic, traveling with flocks of camels, goats, or sheep
from oasis to oasis. These itinerant jann appear human in every respect, and
are often mistaken for them, unless they are attacked. Jann are strong and
courageous, and they do not take kindly to insult or injury. The territory of a jann
tribe can extend hundreds of miles in any direction.
While traveling, male jann live in large, colorful tents with their wives and
married male children, and their families. Married daughters move away to live
with their new husbands. When a family eventually grows large enough that it
can no longer reside comfortably in the tent, a new tent is built, and a son
takes his wife and family with him to this new dwelling. At permanent oases, the
jann live not only in tents, but also in elegantly styled structures built from
materials brought from any of the elemental planes.
Jann are able to dwell in air, earth, fire, or water environments for up to 48
hours. This includes the elemental planes, to which any janni can travel, even
taking up to six individuals along if those others hold hands in a circle with
the janni. Failure to return to the Prime Material plane within 48 hours
inflicts 1 point of damage per additional hour on the jann, until the jann dies or
returns to the Prime Material plane. Travel to another elemental plane is
possible, without damage, providing at least two days are spent on the Prime Material
plane immediately prior to the travel.
Ecology: Jann are suspicious of humans, dislike demihumans, and detest humanoids. Jann
accept djinn, but shun dao, efreet, and marids. They sometimes befriend humans
or work with them for a desired reward, like potent magical items.
One ethic the jann share with other nomads is the cultural demand for treating
guests with honor and respect. Innocent visitors (including humans) are
treated hospitably during their stay, but some day might be expected to return the
Jann Leaders: Jann leaders have 17-18 Intelligence, and 10% have 19 Strength. Sheiks have up
to 8 Hit Dice, amirs up to 9. Viziers have 17-20 Intelligence and the
following magical powers, each usable three times per day at 12th-level spellcasting
augury, detect magic, and