Deep Dragon
| Hill and mountain caverns, subterranean
| Rare
| Solitary or clan
Activity Cycle:
| Any
| Carnivorous
| Exceptional (15-16)
| Special
| Chaotic evil
No. Appearing:
| 1 (2-5)
Armor Class:
| 0 (base)
| 12, Fl 30 (C), Br 6, Sw 9
Hit Dice:
| 14 (base)
| 7 (base)
No. of Attacks:
| 3+special
| 3-12/3-12/3-24
Special Attacks:
| See below
Special Defenses:
| Variable
Magic Resistance:
| Variable
| H (24' base)
| Fanatic (17-18)
XP Value:
| Variable
Deep dragons are little known on the surface world. They are the hunters of
the Underdark. Cunning and patient, they place their survival, followed by their
joy of hunting, above all else. Deep dragons carefully amass and hide treasure
in various caches, guarded with traps and magic. They are able to use most
magical items.
Deep dragons are an iridescent maroon when they hatch, soft-scaled, and unable
to change form. They keep to their birth-lair until they have mastered both of
their other forms-a giant winged worm or snake and a human (or drow) form.
Combat: Deep dragons burrow and fight with powerful, stone-rending claws. They love to
fight and hunt prey through the lightless caverns of the Underdark, employing
their various forms. In snake form, they are AC 6, MV 9, Fl 4(D), Sw 11, losing
claw attacks, but gaining a constriction attack (attack roll required,
inflicts 3d8 points of damage per round, hampers movement, spellcasting, and causes -1
on attack rolls and a 1-point AC penalty).
In human form, a deep dragon is AC 10, MV 12, Sw 12, and causes damage by
spell or weapon type. Armor can be worn, but it is always destroyed (inflicting 2d4
points of damage to the dragon) in any transformation of shape. A deep dragon
can alter its features to resemble any humanoid of roughly human size.. It is
66% likely to copy a specific being well enough to be mistaken for the actual
A deep dragon's breath weapon is a cone of flesh-corrosive gas 50 feet long,
40 feet wide, ad 30 feet high. Creatures in the cloud can save vs. breath weapon
for half damage (if they have dry, exposed skin, they save against the
flesh-eating gas at -2). Cloth, metal, and wood are not affected. Leather is treated
as dry, exposed skin.
Deep dragons cast spells at 9th level, adjusted by their combat modifiers.
They are born with infravision,
true seeing, and unerring
detect magic abilities, and immunities to
charm, sleep, and
hold magic. Deep dragons are immune to extremes of heat and cold (-3 on each die
of damage taken, to a minimum of 1 hp per die).
As deep dragons age, they gain the following additional powers:
| Ability
Very young
| assume snakeform 3 times/day
| assume "human" form 3 times/day
| one more form change/day (each), regen. 1d4 hp/turn
| regenerate 1d4 hp/6 rounds; free action at will
Mature adult
| regenerate 1d4 hp/4 rounds; levitate 3 times/day
| transmute rock to mud and telekinesis 3 times/day
Very old
| move earth 3 times/day
| passwall and disintegrate 2 times/day
| one additional use/day of powers gained since Old age; stone shape 2
| times/day, tongues once/day
Great wyrm
| repulsion 3 times/day, affecting all except dragons. One additional
| use/day of stone shape and tongues
Habitat/Society:Deep dragons roam the Underdark and are great explorers. Most often deep
dragons are found in well-defended lairs in the Underdark. They often use their
powers to reach caverns inaccessible to most creatures. Deep dragons often work
with drow.
Ecology: Deep dragons have been known to eat almost anything, but they particularly
prize the flesh of clams, fish, kuo-toa, and aboleth. They view cloakers and mind
flayers as dangerous rivals in the Underdark. Deep dragons avoid confrontations
with other dragons and never fight or steal from others of their own kind.
| Body
| Tail
| Breath
| Spells
| Treas.
| XP
| Lgt. (')
| Lgt. (')
| AC
| Weapon
| Wizard/Priest
| MR
| Type
| Value
1 Hatchling
| 1-5
| 1-4
| 3
| 2d8+1
| Nil
| Nil
| Nil
| 3,000
2 Very
| 4-12
| 17-28
| 2
| 4d8+2
| Nil
| Nil
| Nil
| 5,000
3 Young
| 14-23
| 12-21
| 1
| 6d8+3
| Nil
| Nil
| Nil
| 6,000
4 Juvenile
| 23-32
| 21-28
| 0
| 8d8+4
| 1
| Nil
| H,Q
| 8,000
5 Young
| 28-36
| 51-60
| -1
| 10d8+5
| 2
| 25%
| H,Qx2,E
| 10,000
6 Adult
| 41-50
| 36-45
| -2
| 12d8+6
| 2 1
| 30%
| H,Qx3,E,S
| 12,000
7 Mature
| 45-54
| 71-84
| -3
| 14d8+7
| 3 2
| 35%
| Hx2,Qx4,
| 14,000
8 Old
| 59-68
| 54-62
| -4
| 16d8+8
| 4 2 1/1
| 40%
| Hx2,Qx4,
| 16,000
9 Very
| 68-77
| 62-70
| -5
| 18d8+9
| 4 2 2/2
| 45%
| Hx3,Qx5,
| 17,000
10 Venerable
| 77-86
| 70-78
| -6
| 20d8+10
| 4 3 2 1/2 1
| 50%
| Hx3,Q,E,S,
| 18,000
11 Wyrm
| 86-95
| 78-85
| -7
| 22d8+11
| 4 3 3 2/3 2
| 55%
| Hx3,Q,E,S,
| 19,000
12 Great
| 85-94
| 134-146
| -8
| 24d8+12
| 4 3 3 2 1/3 3 1
| 60%
| H,Q,E,S,T,
| 20,000