Cloud Dragon
| Tropical, subtropical, and temperature/Clouds
and mountains
| Very rare
| Solitary or clan
Activity Cycle:
| Any
| Special
| Genius (17-18)
| Special
| Neutral
No. Appearing:
| 1 (2-5)
Armor Class:
| 0 (base)
| 6, Fl 39 (C), Jp 3
Hit Dice:
| 14 (base)
| 7
No. of Attacks:
| 3+special
| 1-10//1-10/3-36
Special Attacks:
| Special
Special Defenses:
| Variable
Magic Resistance:
| Variable
| G (66' base)
| Fanatic (17)
XP Value:
| Variable
Cloud dragons are reclusive creatures that dislike intrusions. They rarely
converse, but if persuaded to do so they tend to be taciturn and aloof. They have
no respect whatsoever for creatures that cannot fly without assistance from
spells or devices.
At birth, cloud dragons have silver-white scales tinged with red at the edges.
As they grow, the red spreads and lightens to sunset orange. At the mature
adult stage and above, the red-orange color deepens to red gold and almost
entirely replaces the silver.
Cloud dragons speak their own tongue and a tongue common to all neutral
dragons. Also 17% of hatchling cloud dragons can speak with any intelligent creature.
The chance to possess this ability increases 5% per age category.
Combat: Cloud dragons are as likely to avoid combat (by assuming cloud form) as they
are to attack. When attacking, they use their breath weapon to scatter foes,
then cast
solid fog and use their manipulation abilities to blind and disorient their foes. When
very angry, they conjure storms with
control weather spells, then they call lightning. They like to use
stinking cloud and
control winds spells against flying opponents.
Breath Weapon/Special Abilities: A cloud dragon's breath weapon is an icy blast of air that is 140 feet long,
30 feet high, and 30 feet wide. Creatures caught in the blast suffer damage from
cold and flying ice crystals. Furthermore, all creatures three size classes or
more smaller than the dragon are blown head over heels for 2d12 feet, plus 3
feet per age category of the dragon. Characters who can grab solid objects won't
be carried away unless they fail. Strength checks; creatures with claws,
suction cups, etc., can avoid the effect if they have a suitable surface to cling to.
A cloud dragon casts its spells and uses its magical abilities at 6th level
plus its combat modifier.
Cloud dragons are immune to cold.
They can assume (or leave) a cohesive, cloud-like form at will, once per
round. In this form, they are 75% unlikely to be distinguished from normal clouds;
when in cloud form, their Armor Class improves by -3 and their magic resistance
increases by 15%. Cloud dragons can use their spells and innate abilities while
in cloud form, but they cannot attack physically or use their breath weapon.
In cloud form, cloud dragons fly at a speed of 12 (MC:A).
As they age, cloud dragons gain the following additional powers.
Very young: solid fog twice a day.
Young: stinking cloud twice a day.
Juvenile: creature water twice a day (affects a maximum of three cubic yards [81 cubic feet]).
Adult: obscurement three times a day.
Mature adult: call lightning twice a day.
Old: weather summoning twice a day.
Very old: control weather twice a day.
Ancient: control winds twice a day.
Habitat/Society: Cloud dragons lair in magical cloud islands where there is at least a small,
solid floor laying eggs and storing treasure. Very rarely, they occupy
cloud-shrouded mountain peaks.
Cloud dragons are solitary 95% of the time. If more than one is encountered it
is a single parent with offspring.
Ecology: Like all dragons, cloud dragons can eat just about anything. They seem to
subsist primarily on rain water, hailstones, and the occasional bit of silver.
Because they inhabit in similar territories, cloud dragons come into conflict
with silver dragons. Despite their higher intelligence, cloud dragons usually
lose confrontation because of the silver dragons' secondary breath weapons and
ability to muster allies.
| Body
| Tail
| Breath
| Spells
| Treas.
| XP
| Lgt. (')
| Lgt. (')
| AC
| Weapon
| Wizard/Priest
| MR
| Type
| Value
| 11-24
| 4-8
| 3
| 2d6+2
| Nil
| Nil
| Nil
| 3,000
| 24-41
| 8-16
| 2
| 3d6+4
| Nil
| Nil
| Nil
| 6,000
| 41-58
| 16-22
| 1
| 4d6+6
| Nil
| Nil
| Nil
| 8,000
| 58-71
| 22-29
| 0
| 5d6+8
| 1
| Nil
| ½R, T
| 11,000
| 71-87
| 29-37
| -1
| 6d6+10
| 1 1
| 25%
| R, T
| 13,000
| 87-102
| 37-44
| -2
| 7d6+12
| 2 1
| 30%
| R, T
| 14,000
| 102-117
| 44-51
| -3
| 8d6+14
| 2 2
| 35%
| R, T
| 15,000
| 117-132
| 51-59
| -4
| 9d6+16
| 3 2/1
| 40%
| R, T, X, Z
| 17,000
| 132-148
| 59-66
| -5
| 10d6+18
| 3 3/1 1
| 45%
| R, T, X, Z
| 18,000
| 148-165
| 66-74
| -6
| 11d6+20
| 4 3/2 1
| 50%
| R, T, X, Z
| 19,000
| 165-184
| 74-82
| -7
| 12d6+22
| 4 4/2 2
| 55%
| R, T, X, Zx2
| 20,000
| 184-203
| 82-92
| -8
| 13d6+24
| 5 4/3 2
| 60%
| R, T, X, Zx2
| 21,000