| Brownie
| Killmoulis
| Temperate rural
| Human areas
| Rare
| Uncommon
| Tribal
| Solitary
Activity Cycle:
| Night
| Nocturnal
| Vegetarian
| Omnivore, scavenger
| High (13-14)
| Average (8-10)
| O, P, Q
| K
| Lawful good
| Neutral (chaotic good)
No. Appearing:
| 4-16
| 1-3
Armor Class:
| 3
| 6
| 12
| 15
Hit Dice:
| ½
| ½
| 20
| 20
No. of Attacks:
| 1
| Nil
| 1-2 (weapon)
| Nil
Special Attacks:
| Spells
| See below
Special Defenses:
| Save as
| See below
| 9th-level cleric
Magic Resistance:
| Nil
| 20%
| Tiny (2' tall)
| Tiny (under 1' tall)
| Steady (11-12)
| Average (8-10)
XP Value:
| 175
| 35
Brownies are small, benign humanoids who may be very distantly related to
halflings. Peaceful and friendly, brownies live in pastoral regions, foraging and
gleaning their food.
Standing no taller than 2 feet, brownies are exceedingly nimble. They resemble
small elves with brown hair and bright blue eyes. Their brightly colored
garments are made from wool or linen with gold ornamentation. They normally carry
leather pouches and tools for repairing leather, wood, and metal.
Brownies speak their own language and those of elves, pixies, sprites, and
halflings, as well as common.
Combat: Brownies prefer not to engage in combat, and only do so if threatened. Angry
brownies rarely meet their foes in hand to hand combat, relying instead on magic.
Since their senses are so keen, it is impossible to surprise brownies. They
are superb at blending into their surroundings and can become all but invisible
when they choose. This, combined with their great agility, gives them an AC of 3.
Brownies use spells to harass and drive away enemies. They can use the
following spells, once per day:
protection from evil, ventriloquism, dancing lights, continual light, mirror
image (3 images),
confusion, and
dimension door. If cornered and unable to employ any spells, brownies attack with short
Habitat/Society: Brownies live in rural areas, making their homes in small burrows or abandoned
buildings. They often live close to or on farms, as they are fascinated by
farm life.
Brownies live by harvesting wild fruits and gleaning grain from a farmer's
field. Being honest to the core, a brownie always performs some service in
exchange for what is taken. One might milk a farmer's cows and take only a small
Some brownies go so far as to become house brownies. They observe the families
in a given area, and if one meets their high moral standards, these brownies
secretly enter the household. At night, while the residents are asleep, they
perform a variety of helpful tasks; spinning, baking bread, repairing farm
implements, keeping foxes out of the hen house, mending clothes, and performing other
household tasks. If a thief creeps silently into the house, they will make
enough noise to awaken the residents. Watchdogs and domestic animals consider
brownies friendly and never attack or even bark at them.
All brownies ask in exchange for their labor is a little milk, some bread, and
an occasional bit of fruit. Etiquette demands that no notice be taken of them.
If the residents boast about the presence of a brownie, the brownie vanishes.
Brownies are not greedy, but they do have small hoards of treasure which they
have taken from evil monsters or received as gifts from humans. A brownie
sometimes leaves his treasure in a location where a good person in need is bound to
find it.
Strangers and outsiders are constantly watched by the brownies of the
community until their motives are established. If the brownies decide that a stranger
is harmless, he is left in peace. If not, the brownies unite and drive the
intruder out.
Brownies know every nook and cranny of the areas where they live, and thus
make excellent guides. If asked politely, there is a 50% chance that a brownie
will agree to act as a guide.
Ecology: Brownies are basically vegetarians who live very comfortably on the gleanings
of agricultural life. They make efficient use of leftovers that are too small
for humans to notice. When brownies glean from fields, they do so after harvest,
gathering grains and fruits which might otherwise be wasted.
Killmoulis: The killmoulis is a distant relative of the brownie, standing under 1-foot in
height but with a disproportionately large head and a prodigious nose.
Killmoulis are able to blend into surroundings and are therefore 10% detectable. They
live in symbiotic relationships with humans, usually where foodstuffs are
handled, making their homes under the floors, and in the walls and crawlspaces.